  • Mon - Sun (10:00 AM - 08:30 PM)


What is Melasma?

Melasma is a skin condition characterized by brownish and blackish pigmentation of skin, mainly over face in patches. It might rarely involve extra facial areas too, like hands and neck.

Where does Melasma Commonly Occur?

The most common areas involved by melasma are cheeks, forehead, bridge of the nose, chin, upper lip.

Who are Prone to Get Melasma?
  • Age 20- 40 yr women
  • More common in darker patients due increase in melanin production.
  • Females are more prone then males.
  • Pregnant women
  • Women on OCP, hormonal pills.

Why Melasma Occurs in these Patients?

The most common triggering factors are :

  • UV radiation/sun exposure
  • Pregnancy - high level of oestrogen and progesterone
  • Hormonal therapy
  • Cosmetics - irrational use
  • Phototoxic drugs
  • Genetics - 50% of melasma patient reports of postive family history
  • Thyroid disorder
mission and vision

How to Diagnose Melasma?

The diagnosis of melasma is mainly clinical. Our team of expert dermatologists can look at your skin and diagnose melasma and differentiate it from other cause of hyperpigmentation.

Medical Treatment of Melasma :

Melasma needs multi-modal treatment. According to the patient's condition and the types of melasma, treatment is customised.

The Medical Treatment of Melasma are

  • Hydroquinone cream - 2-4% of hydroquinone cream can be used only on the patches for 6-8 Weeks. Irrational and excessive use of this cream might increase pigmentation.
  • Retinoids - can be mixed with other cream in form of tretinoin.
  • Skin lightening agents like :Kojic acid, Azelaic acid, Glycolic acid, Arbutin, Vitamin C, Tranexamic acid (both oral and tropical therapies are available to treat melasma and is quite effective).
  • Broad spectrum sunscreens with specified SPF for particular patient is a must for avoidance of re-occurrence of melasma.

Some Advance Melasma Treatments which are done in our Clinic

Chemical Peels :

Chemical peel is a procedure where different concentration of glycolic acid, salicylic acid or other active ingredients are applied over the patches under strict medical supervision.

They help in shedding of discolored skin by exfoliation and helps to get rid of that extra melanin. You might need minimum 6-8 sittings of chemical peel at regular interval to attain satisfactory results.

Laser Treatments :

Laser helps to penetrate the deeper layers of the skin to break down excess melanin affecting surrounding skin. At Zoe Aesthetic, we use US FDA approved Q-switch Nd:YAG Laser in the treatment of melasma.

However, depending upon the severity you might require multiple sessions for satisfactory results.

Is Melasma Dangerous for Skin?

Melasma is never considered a health risk, but it is a cosmetic concern. If not treated, it might spread to the whole face. The maintenance treatment of melasma including avoidance of sun exposure is most important in avoiding re-occurrence of melasma.