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Genital Whitening

Home Cosmetic Gynaecology

Genital Whitening

Genital Whitening

What is Genital Whitening?

Genital whitening popularly known as as vagina bleaching treatment or vagina lightening among people; is the procedure to lighten the colour of external genitalia like mons pubis, labia etc and not the vagina.

What are the Treatment Methods that are used?

Laser Genital Bleaching :

It is the most commonly used procedure gives the best results in genital whitening. Laser commonly used are QSwitch Nd;YAG Fractional CO2 and Er;YAG

Chemical Peels :

Most commonly used chemical peel is TCA, TCA is commonly applied to the genital area at an concentration of 20%. Other peels used for genital whitening are Lactic acid, Azelaic acid and Mandelic acid peel.

Mesotherapy Injections :

Mesotherapy injections containing Vit C, Glutathione and Tranexamic acid is injected into the skin of genitalia with fine mesotherapy needles. 3-6 sessions at 10-14 days interval is required to achieve the desired colour.

Micro-dermaabrasion :

It is mechanical peeling procedure to remove the outer layer of the skin.


Due to high content of growth factors, PRP when injected into the skin of genitalia, cause rejuvenation as well as lightening.

Ready, Applicable Solutions and Products to be used at Home :

Products containing Kojic acid, Cyprus rotundus essential oil (CREO), Arbutin, Retinol, Glutathione, Chloroaceticacid can be applied in the genital area at home after laser therapy for additive effects.


Frequently Asked Questions

4 to 6 sessions of chemical peel are usually required for genital whitening to get the desired results.

Chemical peel is done every 2-3 wks.