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Chemical Peels

Home Aesthetic Dermatology

Chemical Peels

Chemical peel Procedure

What is Chemical Peels?

Chemical peel also known as chemexfoliation or dermapeeling is a skin resurfacing aesthetic medical procedure in which a chemical solution is applied to the skin to remove the top layers resulting in the emergence of a smoother, younger skin that grows back from inside. The different types of chemicals cause a controlled injury, each penetrating through to a different skin depth and then peeling away to reveal a new layer of skin which is smoother and less wrinkled than the older skin.

Chemical peel can be done at different depths,from light to deep.The depth of the peel is determined by an experienced dermatologist taking into consideration the condition of your skin and objective of treatment.

Light Chemical Peel

A light chemical peel removes the outer layer of the skin called epidermis. Light peels have a minimal downtime.Examples of light peels are -20 to 30% TCA, Jessner's solution and 30-50% Glycolic acid.

Indications of Light Peel :

It is used to treat : Fine lines, Acne, Uneven skin tone, Dry and rough skin, To refresh the face, neck, chest and hands.

mission and vision

Medium Chemical Peel

A medium chemical peel removes the outer layer of the skin called epidermis as well as upper part of the middle layer of the skin called dermis. Examples of medium chemical peels include combinations such as 35%TCA with either Jessner's solution or 70% Glycolic acid.

Indications of Light Peel :

It is used to treat : Wrinkles, Acne scars, Pigmentation, Uneven skin tone, Melasma.

Deep Chemical Peel

Deep chemical peel penetrates further into the dermis. Deep peels coagulate proteins and removes the whole of the outer layer of the skin called epidermis, restructure the basal layer and causes restoration of dermal architecture. Examples of deep peels are TCA exceeding 50% and combination of croton and phenol. A deep chemical peel is a one time treatment for face and has a significant downtime.

Indications of Deep Peel :

It is used to treat Moderate lines & wrinkles, Extensive sun damaged skin, Deep acne scar, Blotchy skin or precancerous growths called Actinic Keratosis.


Frequently Asked Questions

Chemical peels are most commonly performed on the face, neck or hand and reduce or improve :

  • Fine lines and pigmentation under the eyes.
  • Wrinkles caused by sun damage, aging & hereditary factors.
  • Scars, example acne scars on the face.
  • Severe acne that is not responding to topical or oral medications.
  • Dark patches example melasma or pigmentary lesions on the face due to taking OCPs.
  • Sun spots, age spots, liver spots, freckles, uneven skin tone.
  • Rough skin, scaly patches, dull complexion

  • Redness, scabbing & swelling. It is a normal healing process of the treated skin after a chemical peel and resolve within few days. Scarring : It is self resolving and is rarely seen.
  • Change in skin colour : A chemical peel can induce hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation. hyperpigmentation is more common after superficial peels & hypopigmentation is more common after a deep peel. Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation, commonly known as PIH usually fades away with time and can even take a year or longer to go and more commonly found in people with brown or black skin.
  • Infection : A chemical peel can cause reactivation of herpes virus that causes cold sores.

  • Pregnancy
  • Have taken oral acne medication isotretinoin in the past 6 months.
  • Have history of frequent or severe out breaks of cold sores.
  • Have a personal or family history of keloids.

Minimal interval between sessions of chemical peel is 2 weeks and may range upto 4/5 weeks depending on skin condition, indication and response and recovery from previous session of chemical peel.

Chemical peel at Zoe Aesthetic starts from Rs 2000 and varies according to the nature of peel and site of treatment.

  • Chemical peel at Zoe Aesthetic is performed only by expert and highly experienced Dermatologists who specializes in individualized needs and tailored indications.
  • We at Zoe Aesthetic use only highest quality imported chemical peels manufactured by highly renowned multinational cosmeticucal companies like Sesderma.
  • Affordable rates.